Apply for VISA to Spain In Dominican Republic
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Family Member of EEA/EU Citizens (Parents or Children’s only)


If you wish to visit Spain for a short period of time (less than 90 days), you must obtain a Short Term visa.

Visa Fees

Dear Applicants, Travel Agents and Representatives, please view the revised visa fee and service charges applicable :
Duration Visa Fees in DOP
Schengen Visa Family Members of Community 0.00 DOP
Children between 6-12 years 0.00 DOP

The above mentioned Visa Fees is to be paid only by cash.

Note: Exemption of Visa Fee for a child is applicable only in the case of Short Term category, if the child's age is less than 6 years at the date of submission.

The Visa Fee is subject to change without notice'

BLS International Service charge

Applicants applying at the Spanish visa application Centre shall be levied a service charge of 1,065.00 DOP/- payable in cash or by credit card. Children under 6 are exempted from service charge.

Please Note:

  • The applicable Visa Fee in Indian Rupees is as per the current exchange rate. It is subject to change without notice
  • The fee is non-refundable
  • In relation to article 16 of EU Regulation 810/2009, there are certain categories of visa applicants who are exempt from paying the fee. You can check these exemptions at the link on this page.

Documents Required

  • Schengen visa application form Link to the form. Schengen form. Each applicant must submit an application using the official form, which must be completed in all its sections and signed by the applicant. If the applicant is a minor, the person holding parental authority must sign.
  • Photograph . A recent passport-sized, colour photograph must be submitted, with a light background, taken from the front, without sunglasses, reflections or clothing that hides the oval of the face. In the photograph of a minor, no parts of the body of the adult holding the minor must be visible.
  • Valid and current passport . Original and a photocopy of the page or pages with biometric data.
  • Documents proving the relationship with a citizen of the Union, a State of the European Economic Area or Switzerland or with British citizens who are beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement between the European Union and the United Kingdom : Civil registration certificates (birth or marriage, as the case may be), certificates of registration of unmarried couples or documents proving a relationship analogous to a marital one. ANCESTORS OF AN EU CITIZEN, OR OF HIS/HER SPOUSE. INEXTENSIVE Birth Certificate of the visa applicant, legalized by the Board and duly apostilled. In the case of late declarations, they must present a judgment ratifying the declaration, duly legalized and apostilled.

    If the applicant is the child of the spouse of an EU citizen, they must also provide a literal marriage certificate registered in the corresponding Spanish Civil Registry or a certificate of de facto partnership registered in a Registry established for these purposes of their parent and the EU citizen. They must also provide a certified copy of the residence card of the ascendant.
    IF THE CHILD IS A MINOR: Custody and Guardianship Order from the Court for Children and Adolescents, specifying that the child will reside with one of the parents in Spain (in the event that only one of the parents resides in Spain). It must be duly legalised and apostilled.


    Literal marriage certificate registered in the corresponding Spanish Civil Registry (if the marriage has been registered in this Civil Registry, it is not necessary to present it, it is sufficient to present a copy of the family book); or Certificate of de facto partnership registered in a Civil Registry established for these purposes and which does not allow duplications. If the community family member who gives the right to the visa is not a Spanish citizen, he or she must provide the unexplained marriage certificate from the country in which the marriage was celebrated, duly legalised and apostilled. In the event of doubts regarding the existence or validity of the marriage, the certificate of registration of the marriage in the corresponding community registry may be requested, duly translated.

    ANCESTORS (PARENTS) OF A COMMUNITY CITIZEN OR HIS/HER SPOUSE. Literal birth certificate of the community family member issued by the competent Civil Registry. In the case of a non-Spanish community citizen, the original and a copy of the birth certificate issued by the Civil Registry of their country, translated and apostilled or legalized by the competent authorities in origin. If the applicant is the father/mother of a spouse of a community citizen, they must also provide: - literal marriage certificate registered in the corresponding Spanish Civil Registry or certificate of de facto partnership registered in a Registry established for these purposes for their son/daughter and the community citizen. - inextensive birth certificate of the applicant's son/daughter. - certified copy of the residence card of the applicant's son/daughter.

    INEXTENSE birth certificate of the applicant, legalized and apostilled.


    -Marriage Certificate registered in the Dominican Republic duly legalized or apostilled or Certificate of Free Union (if applicable).-Registration in the Registration Book of this Consulate General if you are Spanish, or in the Consulate of the EU member country.-Residence card of the EU citizen in the Dominican Republic, if you have one.-Proof of common descent. (Birth certificate of children duly apostilled).-Copy of all pages of the Spanish citizen's passport showing the entry and exit stamps from the country.-Other proof of cohabitation in the last year: joint lease agreement, deed of property or vehicles, joint bank accounts, telephone company bills, etc.

    EXTENDED FAMILY (SIBLINGS, GRANDPARENTS, UNCLES, NEPHEWS, COUSINS and GRANDCHILDREN)Birth certificates of the interested parties and of the persons involved, up to proving the degree of consanguinity or affinity.
  • En el caso de los hijos mayores de 21 años, ascendientes y otros familiares, documentos que prueben que viven a cargo del ciudadano de la Unión o de un Estado del Espacio Económico Europeo o de Suiza o, en su caso, su estado de salud: MAYORES DE 21 AÑOS:* Acreditarán la dependencia económica del familiar comunitario presentando cualquier prueba admitida en Derecho: certificados de las empresas españolas de remesas donde conste el nombre del remitente y beneficiario, fecha e importes recibidos, recibos de envíos, etc.; todas las páginas deberán estar debidamente firmadas y selladas por persona autorizada de la empresa (no se aceptarán recibos).También podrán presentar documentación sobre la situación familiar, social y económica del el solicitante de visado:- Acta de matrimonio (si está casado, o acta de notario de unión libre).- Certificados de las empresas en las que ha trabajado en los últimos años en las que figuren los importes cobrados. - Certificado de TSS, en el caso de haber cotizado al Sistema de Seguridad Social.- Copia de certificados de propiedades, bienes, vehículos, cuentas bancarias, etc.- Títulos o certificados de los estudios realizados.- Acta de manifestaciones que indique con quién vive, y si tiene hijos en R. Dominicana.-Etc

    ASCENDIENTESAcreditarán la dependencia económica del familiar comunitario presentando cualquier prueba admitida en Derecho: certificados de las empresas españolas de remesas donde conste el nombre del remitente y beneficiario, fecha e importes recibidos. Estos certificados deberán estar debidamente firmados y sellados por persona autorizada (no se aceptarán recibos).También podrán presentar documentación sobre la situación familiar, social y económica del solicitante de visado:- Acta de matrimonio (si está casado, o acta de notario de unión libre). Acta de defunción del cónyuge en caso de viudedad.- Certificado de TSS, en el caso de haber cotizado al Sistema de Seguridad Social.- Copia de certificados de propiedades, bienes, vehículos, cuentas bancarias, etc.- Certificado de la Dirección General de Pensiones que justifique si percibe o no pensión o subsidio otorgada por el Estado.- Acta de manifestaciones que indique con quién vive, y si tiene hijos en R. Dominicana.-Etc

    OTROS FAMILIARES (HERMANOS, ABUELOS, TÍOS, SOBRINOS, PRIMOS y NIETOS)Acreditarán la dependencia económica del familiar comunitario presentando cualquier prueba admitida en Derecho: certificados de las empresas españolas de remesas donde conste el nombre del remitente y beneficiario, fecha e importes recibidos. Estos certificados deberán estar debidamente firmados y sellados por persona autorizada (no se aceptarán recibos).También podrán presentar documentación sobre la situación familiar, social y económica del solicitante de visado:- Acta de matrimonio (si está casado, o acta de notario de unión libre). Acta de defunción del cónyuge en caso de viudedad.- Certificados de las empresas en las que ha trabajado en los últimos años en las que figuren los importes cobrados. - Certificado de TSS, en el caso de haber cotizado al Sistema de Seguridad Social.- Copia de certificados de propiedades, bienes, vehículos, cuentas bancarias, etc.- Certificado de estar cursando estudios de forma continuada, en alguna Universidad o Institución, legalmente establecida.- Títulos o certificados de los estudios realizados.- Acta de manifestaciones que indique con quién vive, y si tiene hijos en R. Dominicana.-Etc

    Para acreditar dependencia física podrán aportar certificado médico debidamente legalizado y apostillado y pruebas de que el ciudadano del comunitario o su cónyuge o pareja deban hacerse cargo del cuidado personal de este miembro de la familia.

    En el caso de que convivan con el ciudadano español en R. Dominicana.

    Deberán demostrar convivencia continuada durante 24 meses con el ciudadano español en la República Dominicana.Deberán demostrar que el ciudadano español dispone de suficientes medios económicos que garantizan dicha dependencia.Documentación que pueden presentar:Registro de propiedad o contrato de alquiler de vivienda en R. Dominicana.Inscripción como ciudadano español en el Registro del Libro de Matrícula.Copia completa del pasaporte del ciudadano español donde consten los sellos de entrada y salida a R. Dominicana. Otras pruebas de la convivencia en los últimos 24 mesesDel familiar comunitario se podrá aportar: declaración de la renta, vida laboral, última nómina, cuentas bancarias con los movimientos de los últimos 6 meses, contrato de arrendamiento o de propiedad donde resida en España, etc.
  • Documentos que prueben que el solicitante viaja junto al ciudadano de la Unión o de un Estado del Espacio Económico Europeo o de Suiza o que va a reunirse con él, o de que viaja con el fin de residir en España con su familiar británico beneficiario del Acuerdo de Retirada. Acta de manifestaciones del familiar comunitario, ante notario español, declarando que el solicitante viaja o se reúne con él en España, el acta manifestaciones deberá llevar una compulsa del DNI o pasaporte del ciudadano comunitario. Lo anterior no será necesario si el ciudadano comunitario se encuentra en Rep. Dominicana ya que podrá realizar dicha manifestación en el Consulado el día de la cita junto con el solicitante de visado. Si el solicitante de visado va a reunirse con el ciudadano comunitario en España y el ciudadano comunitario reside en España se deberá aportar Certificado de empadronamiento expedido por el Ayuntamiento español donde resida el ciudadano comunitario. Si en lugar de lo anterior, el ciudadano comunitario viaja junto al solicitante de visado, entonces será suficiente aportar una reserva/billete de viaje conjunta junto con la manifestación el día de la cita.
  • Prueba de residencia en la demarcación consular. Si el solicitante de visado no tiene nacionalidad dominicana deberá presentar su permiso de residencia o el visado que le acredite para residir legalmente en República Dominicana.

    Los documentos tienen vigencia de tres meses y deben presentarse en original y una copia. Cuando no se aporte el documento original deberá aportarse su copia compulsada. En caso de que la documentación no esté redactada en castellano deberá presentarse también traducción oficial de la misma.

When necessary to assess the application, the Consular Office may request additional documents or data and may also summon the applicant to a personal interview.

Compliance with the requirements set out in sections 1, 2 and 3 is essential for the admissibility of an application.

The visa is free of charge. However, if you apply voluntarily through a visa reception centre, you will be charged a service fee. To find out the fee amount and more information about additional voluntary services, please visit the BLS International website . The Consulate does not charge a fee for this visa, however, you will only have to pay the processing fee of BLS, the company responsible for receiving and delivering visas.

Photo Specifications

photo requirement

Warning: We are sorry to be unable to accept any photographs that do not meet the following requirements

Provide a recent photo of yourself (no more than 3 months old) that has not been previously used in the passport. The photograph must be in color and:

  • It must be taken so that the facial features and face contrast with the background are distinguished.
  • It should be clear and show the face focused.
  • Must be printed on normal photo quality paper.
  • The face should be completely unmasked (without sunglasses, hats / caps or any other attachment that covers it unless the applicant carries these for religious or ethnic reasons)
  • Must adhere to the application.

Warning: Please follow these instructions carefully. The photographs presented must coincide with the biometric photograph, if not similar, its application will be considered incomplete. The application center has a photographic booth that meets these requirements and guarantees accuracy in the process.

Processing Time

Applications submitted at the Visa Application Center for Spain will be delivered the next (working) day at the Spanish Embassy or Consulate General of Spain. Once the application has been submitted, additional documentation may be requested from the applicant. Note that, according to the instructions received by the Embassy of Spain, the minimum processing period will be 15 calendar days (this period may be delayed up to 45 days in cases where it is necessary to make a more detailed examination of the application).

To prevent delays in the processing deadlines, applications must be submitted at least 30 days before the date scheduled for the start of the trip.

The processing deadlines start counting from the day following the delivery of the application in BLS International Services.

Download Form

All Application submitted at visa application centre should have English/Spanish Application forms only.

Please note W.E.F 01 April 13 , Embassy of Spain has instructed that Sworn Declaration is mandatory to be provided along Visa Application form at the time of submission.

Please Note:

The forms are in PDF format.

You will need an Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and download this form.

Download Adobe Acrobat Reader

To download the Application Form:

  • Click on the form link
  • When the form opens, save the form on your computer.


  • Press the right button on your mouse on the required link.
  • Select Save Target As from the list
  • Save the form on your computer.